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Round 2 report

Some Pics from the day and a few from other days
Angus R2
Jay & kids
r2 monty and jacko

Maroubra Surfers Association Round Two report


Conditions: Clean 1-1.5 foot small swell with little wind

(starting off very small picking up throughout day).

Contest area: Stormy to 50 metres south of Stormy on okay banks.

Beautiful warm sunny autumn day


First heat in the water at 8:30am is cadets once again leading the way with some awesome surfing and solid competition.


The Barbecue was fired up early with the main course of bacon and egg rolls. Thank you to everyone that helped to keep us feed.


Due to the small surf we have only contested Micro and Cadet Divisions.

The standard of surfing throughout the day was very good.


Big shout out to MSA Open Champions Monty Tait, Jackson Giles & Mitch Kennedy for giving their time and helping to inspire the next generation of MSA champions by paddling out with the micros.


The Micros were won by Koby Michaels from Liam Lynch 2nd Loche Boyce 3rd .

Cadets were taken out by Zac Yates with Jake Feher in 2nd and Mateus Bersot 3rd.


Thanks always to those that get down the beach early to help setup for the day

And to members that give their time to help out with the judging and all the tasks that make for a successful and enjoyable day for all.


Members, family and friends enjoyed the hospitality of The Bay Hotel & Diner for food and drinks after the days contest was completed.



MSA Committee

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